

American Music Therapy Association

AMTA’s purpose is the progressive development of the therapeutic use of music in rehabilitation, special education, and community settings.

To learn more about the AMTA visit their website at:



The Certification Board For Music Therapists

The mission of the Certification Board for Music Therapists is to define the body of knowledge that represents competent practice in the profession of music therapy, to issue the credential of MT-BC to those qualified, and to promote music therapy certification.

To learn more, visit their website at:



Florida Association of Music Therapists 

The purpose of FAMT is to assist with the collaboration of Music Therapists in the state of Florida, providing them with materials, workshops, and resources.



The Academy of Neurologic Music Therapy

The mission of The Academy of Neurologic Music Therapy is ” to advance the professional education and understanding of the scientific, evidence-based practice of Neurologic Music Therapy, and to facilitate the coordinated and cooperative efforts of NMTs throughout the world.”

To learn more, visit their website at: